

The participant in Tai Chi Chuan classes or events offered by New Jewel Services Inc. (Internal Tai Chi Chuan of NY or “ITCCNY”) warrants and represents that she/he is in physical condition suitable for moderate exercise and has no disability, impairment, or ailment preventing him/her from engaging in active exercises, and that there is no known such condition that would be detrimental to her/his health, safety, comfort, or physical condition if he/she does so engage or participate in the exercises.

It is understood by the participant that Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art, and as such there is solo and group physical practice that involves balance and for some classes or events involves contact between participants, or between participants and instructor, guided as a group by the instructor. Participant accepts such activity and any accompanying risk, and indemnifies and holds harmless ITCCNY and its instructors from all claims based on injuries sustained during or due to these activities or while participating in any class or event organized or led by ITCCNY.

If the physical condition of the applicant does change, or a condition becomes known, and is of such nature as might place applicant at risk due to participation in Tai Chi Chuan training, he/she agrees to inform the instructor or ITCCNY and may withdraw from class or be withdrawn at the discretion of ITCCNY with full refund for any outstanding pre-paid classes that have not yet been held.

Participant also agrees to fully indemnify ITCCNY and its instructors from responsibility for and cost of any possible infection and any consequences relating to COVID-19 or other illness that may result from class participation.


Full refunds will be granted for cancellations made at least one week before the class is held. For cancellations made less than one week before class, any refunds will be at the sole discretion of ITCCNY. In case of illness, pre-payments will generally be treated as credits to be applied to other Tai Chi Chuan classes. Note that specific cancellation policies for an individual activity or offer may be provided on the order form near the “Complete purchase” button. If present, such specific policy takes priority over the general policy provided in this CANCELLATION / REFUNDS section.